Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Stray Cats Strut...Room 18's Dancers at The Dance Festival


  1. I had a lot of fun at dance festival last night and Wednesday! All you other cats look amazing! Who else had fun at dance festival?

  2. Good job girls you look really proud. I didn't see the dance but I can't wait to see you performing on special spot.

  3. Matthew ( Olivia's brother)14 August 2017 at 00:20

    Hi Olivia's friends,
    I like your pictures on the blog.You also look so cute.
    Did you have fun doing your dance on stage? It looks like you did.

  4. WOW everyone, you look amazing in your photos that Mrs Morris took. Alex why are you not looking at the camera?!

  5. I hope everyone loved being a cat at the dance. You all look so cute with the make-up on.

  6. Wow girls you all look amazing! It must have been so much fun performing. You must have been very proud.

  7. I loved being a cat on Wednesday and Thursday we all had lots of fun. I thought our dance group popped out because our dance was the only animal dance - WELL DONE! We're also performing this Friday and I'm looking forward to that!

  8. Excellent,you girls did a very good job I loved your performance on special spot,also I think you look pretty cute in your costume.Hope you had a great time performing as much as we did watching.
